I did more anomalies. Still not very efficient as far as ISK per hour is concerned. Although if more dens or hidden hideaways spawned it would be better as far as bounties are concerned. Or maybe they spawn, but people finish them quickly, and just don't bother with adjectiveless hideaways and refuges. Of course unless the chance of faction spawn depends on the difficulty of the anomaly, then more difficult ones would be actually worse for faction spawn farming, since they take more time. The probabilities appear to be low enough that gathering enough data by a single person would take a lot of time.
Not that ISK matters that much right now, since there isn't really anything that I could spend it on that I could use. Waiting on skills. I should probably join a corporation or something, since the way this is going I will lose a sense of direction fairly soon. Because, well, I could try to go for soloing L4 missions, but really, what is the point?
Anyway, I finally got a faction spawn with a faction drop. Not a great one, but at least it proves that they happen. A tag, some faction rockets and an explosive shield hardener. The tag is basically worthless, there really should be some sort of a sink for those. Why are data centers one time use? Seems sort of pointless. The rockets are, as all ammo, in too meaningless quantity to be worth anything. I don't see why they even bother to put them in loot tables, they should drop by ten thousand at least. The hardener is worth two million ISK at Jita. I put it for six locally, because you never know.
Those all are all Guristas stuff, because I flew into Caldari space to check out how long flying to a system where a corporation I am thinking of maybe applying to takes. Also I probably should do some missions for Caldari to shore up the standings. They are still effectively positive thanks to Diplomacy skill, but I don't really want to lock myself out of parts of the map.
It turns out it is not that far. Especially considering I hit every anomaly along the way I located. Including drone encounters, which I read are pretty much worthless, but we shall see. Or not. Such is the way with low probability events. Anyway, I am not sure if actually joining a corp makes much sense considering how irregularly I get to play.
Guristas npcs are noticeably more difficult than Serpentis. I might not have much experience, but it seems that ECM is way worse than most other forms of electronic warfare. Especially considering Serpentis use sensor dampening, which does almost nothing if you attack at blaster ranges. Also missiles are really annoying when I rely on certain degree of speed tanking on my Thorax. I beat three Guristas Dens, but it took quite a lot of time, since I had to keep them at range and kill them with drones only. Probably should be using a Vexor, but I really like how Thorax looks.

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